Friday, November 27, 2009

Why does Yahoo look better on Mozilla than IE 7 beta?

Yahoo on Mozilla has more of a 'flash' look to it. It's quite glossy, whereas Yahoo on IE looks flatter and not so sharp. I wonder if IE can be enhanced some how.

Why does Yahoo look better on Mozilla than IE 7 beta?windows 2000

1) Mozilla handles ALL website codes better (except for a few useless codes that nobody cares about)

2) Explorer is buggy

3) IE7 is even buggier, hence the term "BETA".

Why does Yahoo look better on Mozilla than IE 7 beta?internet explorer internet explorer

Because you're lying.
Who cares. IE is a vessel for virus infection made by a company that cares not about it's customers. It is improved only if you scream loud enough or turn away from Microsoft's holy decrees and use another browser. There's no fixing IE because the maker is itself corrupt.

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