Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why won't this site display correctly in IE?

Displays perfectly in Firefox, but Iframe is messed up in IE.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Why won't this site display correctly in IE?windows firewall

IE handles some style sheet properties differently than Firefox does. Word on the street is that Firefox is more standards compliant than IE and adheres to stricter design rules. While IE tries to adjust for some abnormalities, it falls short on some items that matter most.

Why won't this site display correctly in IE?microsoft frontpage internet explorer

I'd start by fixing the machine detectable syntax errors. Different browsers recover from error in different ways, it is better to avoid producing errors that they have to recover from in the first place.
Get rid of the iframe and use a div with styling that will give the div an overflow with a scrollbar.


%26lt;div id="textarea"%26gt;




#textarea {

overflow: auto; ("scroll" will work as well)


IE handles styling differently. Very differently. The rendering engine is the supreme work of Micro$oft and it's brilliant core of engineers that know nothing about web standards or the box model.

Firefox does adhere to web standards nicely, but Opera is the browser that stick to web standards more than Firefox does. Both browsers are great.

The way to fix it is to use a conditional comment

%26lt;!--[if lte IE 7]%26gt;

%26lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="IEbugs.css" type="text/css" /%26gt;


etc. You can find a great article here:

Everyone should be using this method and no longer using CSS hacks for their stylesheets. Using separate stylesheets for IE6 and IE7 as well as a main stylesheet for compliant browsers makes editing a debugging a lot easier and a lot less hair pulling. Trust me. I have been doing it for 1+ years now and it has simplified my life.
Although the problem is probably in your css being misinterpreted by IE. I would also clean up the HTML as well as it has 96 errors on that page in HTML according to the validation tool.

After getting the HTML to validate I would then clean up the CSS to a validation level. Then I would isolate the errors in the display and if need be use conditional comments to correct the differences. I would test in IE6, IE7, Firefox at a minimum. I would also suggest having it tested in Safari as well.

It currently seems to show up fine in IE7 so your problem if it is not already fixed was probably with a lower version of IE.

Hope that helps


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